In the studio…

I’m delighted to say that my new album, which will be titled ‘Dragonfly’, is almost at the final mixing stage!

While gigging has had to take a backseat, (Covid’s fault initially then I had some time out following having my daughter in 2022) I’ve been spending any free time I could in the studio recording the album I have been wanting to make since I started songwriting many years ago.

It is looking (and sounding) like it will have all been worth it and I can’t wait to share it with you all when it is done. The album tells a story from light to dark through grey and back up to the light at the end. Featuring a mesh of genres including singer-songwriter, acoustic, pop, rock and prog it is shaping up to be my best work to date. Now that I’m getting closer to releasing it, I thought it was about time I got back out there and did some gigs, as well as taking this opportunity to introduce the musicians I’ve been lucky to work with!

Introducing the band on the new album:

Tim Bond is a brilliant musician himself, and is a pleasure to work with as a recording engineer and producer. Thanks Tim for your awesome patience and honesty throughout. We have done all the recording at his studio near Cambridge: Bookmatch Studio

Tim Bond Producer extraordinaire

Tim Bond Producer extraordinaire

On drums I have Scott Hunter, who brings a wealth of experience, technical prowess and rhythmical genius to the songs. Currently gigging with a phenomenal band ‘Skylines‘ who I saw live last summer at the inaugural Nene Valley Rock Festival and I was completely blown away by their set. Check them out live if you get the chance – they are excellent.

Scott Hunter on drums

Scott Hunter on drums

A couple of years ago I performed at the brilliant N FEST in Needingworth, Cambridgeshire. After my performance the bass player from another band on the line up that year approached me and I’m delighted to say the rest is history! Introducing the excellent Bob Jakins on bass; his wonderful bass lines cement the rhythm section and he and Scott had a musical dialogue that just worked straight away – it was meant to be! You can catch Bob performing live with ‘The Lonely‘ I really recommend getting to one of their gigs – brilliant band.

Bob Jakins on bass guitar

Bob Jakins on bass guitar

When I first started thinking about this album, I asked the fantastic Chris Newman if he would play guitar on it and I’m chuffed that he has played some sublime guitar on several songs for me. Chris has a gorgeous guitar playing style and he gigs regularly around Cambridgeshire and the UK with the beautiful singing sensation Stella Hensley and the amazing ‘Barefoot Doctors

Chris Newman on guitar

Chris Newman on guitar

Pete Nash on guitar

Pete Nash on guitar

Pete Nash and I have been friends and band mates for many years and it has been awesome to work on music together again! Pete features on several songs both with his unique and brilliant guitar lines and he has worked on arrangements for the songs as well. It is exciting to have him as part of the album and you can also check him out live with his band ‘Faith No Man

I couldn’t do any of this without my family behind me so big thanks to Ben, Ross & Arwen (spot Ben and Ross at an early recording session below) for putting up with me and always being my best supporters!

I’ll keep you posted and see you at a gig soon!

Claire X

Some more photos of the various recording sessions that we have done across the past couple of years to make Claire Cameron’s Dragonfly album a reality:

Claire Cameron in the studio

Claire Cameron in the studio recording her new album ‘Dragonfly’ with Tim Bond at Bookmatch Studios

Recording Claire Cameron's new album 'Dragonfly' at Bookmatch Studios

Recording Claire Cameron’s new album ‘Dragonfly’ at Bookmatch Studios

About ‘How Could You’ Claire Cameron’s new single

Sometimes life does not go to plan. Sometimes it happens to you and there is a decision to be made – allow it to be in control of you or take back control of it and make something good come out of bad.

Recently life has not been what I ordered, what I wanted or how I planned it. I’ve had a lot of questions for fate, God whoever makes the wheels spin and things happen. I’ve asked ‘why me?’, I’ve railed against fact and tried to argue with the unnacceptable, when what I really need to do is accept that life is a rich tapestry of tough and difficult as well as happy and enjoyable and ‘move on’. This is such an over-used phrase but maybe that is for a reason – it is the only way to try and put into words what to do next after crisis; dwelling in the bad stuff won’t help get to the good. However acknowledging that you are feeling awful and letting the emotion out is vital. I don’t think it matters how this is done – through music, exercise, talking to a friend or family member or counselling – it just matters that it comes out and doesn’t get suppressed.

So ‘How Could You‘ is for anyone who has felt any of the above, now or before and been left challenging the empty sky and asking ‘why me?’ I’m trying to stop asking that now – ‘how could this happen?’, ‘why me?’ – I’m moving towards finding the better out of worse and hopefully staying there. Life happens though – I’d rather choose to happen with it rather than letting it happen to me from now on. I am here, I have my music and in this new song I’ve put the feelings that sometimes have to come out so I’m not left stuck inside them.

Mental health was already in the news when I started writing this song; since I’ve finished it two musicians I respected have taken their own lives. This makes me feel so sad and underlines just how vital it is to treat mental health like any other illness – there should be no shame or stigma attached to it. It is no different to getting treatment for cancer or a broken leg – at least it should not be seen as different in my opinion. It is so important to support each other and help anyone who is feeling depressed to talk and feel truly heard, not just listened to.

A big thank you to Neil Sadler at No Machine for not only recording, mixing and producing the single but for his excellent guitar and bass parts. Thank you to Scott Hunter for nailing the drums and Tom Hunter for the atmospheric strings. It was a pleasure to work with all of you and I feel like ‘How Could You’ was really brought to life by your performances.

Thank you to Helen Barlow-Scott of One Line Studio for the perfect Cover Art.

I hope you like the song – it is certainly a cathartic one to sing.

CC x

Listen and Download ‘How Could You’ below:

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Claire Cameron Blog

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    In the studio…

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