Rebecca Atkinson, No Title Magazine
The music of Claire Cameron Band takes a cross section of almost every genre imaginable and flits between them in a surprisingly cohesive manner. Rock, metal, folk and prog all have a place on ‘Time I Start’ as the captivating voice of front-woman Claire, along with the hooky choruses, drive the song forwards. ‘No Illusions’ is gentler but equally well constructed with sweeping guitar from Pete Nash while subtle keyboard parts offer a perfect backdrop to the powerful vocals. ‘Question Every Day’ sees the rock vibe return with a vengeance as the rhythm section kicks things up a notch and the ending guitar solo reaches just the right level of self-indulgence to be really satisfying. Overall the effect is very ‘Fleetwood Mac-meets-Imogen Heap’ but with something a little more volatile and fiery lurking below the melodic surface. After several years on the circuit it is great to see that Claire has found a band with which her talent can truly thrive.